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研究方向: 蛋白质稳态与疾病
未折叠蛋白响应(UPR)是主要的内质网质量控制系统之一,其感受内质网应激信号并通过改变细胞内的转录和翻译来维持内质网稳态。已知UPR能在多种生理条件下发挥功能,与糖尿病、癌症、衰老、神经退行性疾病等人类疾病有重要关联。但是,在不同生理条件下,如:蛋白合成增加,脂质水平升高,己糖胺水平过高或过低时,UPR是如何被调节的我们还知之甚少。张在荣课题组采用全基因组筛选的方法寻找哺乳动物细胞中与Ire1-. PERK-, ATF6-三大UPR分支有关的新因子。这些研究有助于发现并鉴定与哺乳动物内质网应激相关的新的因子,并为糖尿病、癌症、衰老等人类疾病提供的治疗提供潜在的靶点。
Proteostasisand Neurodegeneration
Neurodegenerativediseases such as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’sdisease are devastating and influence a large number of individuals in theaging population. These diseases are caused by the progressive dysfunction ofspecific neurons in selective regions of the brain due to the accumulation ofspecific proteins with aberrant conformation.
Thedeposition of these diseases-causing proteins is largely due to failure ofprotein quality control and degradation systems that usually happenedconcomitant with aging. Therefore, Zhang’sresearch group aims to elucidate the cellular mechanisms involved in thedegradation of misfolded and detrimental proteins. Our research will contributesignificantly to the understanding of the age-onset decline of proteostasis andthus help to combat neurodegenerative diseases and aging.
1. Understandingthe mechanistic basis of misfolded protein degradation and deposition pathway.
The eukaryotic ER maintains proteinhomeostasis by eliminating unwanted proteins by the ER-associated degradation(ERAD) pathway. Despite advances in past decades, many fundamental questionsremain unclear. Zhang’s research will be focused on several aspects of aberrantprotein degradation that range from mechanistic studies in vitro to analysis of its importance in cells and animals. Thelong-term goal of our lab is to understand the principles that govern theclearance and deposition of misfolding-prone proteins, and to identifystrategies that could reduce the burden of damaged proteins for cells and organisms.
2. Identifyingnovel components that regulate cellular protein homeostasis underpathophysiological conditions.
To date, protein degradation is oftenexamined using artificial substrates or disease relevant mutant proteins. Dueto the presence of limited number of endogenous substrates, the importance ofprotein destruction under physiological conditions has been poorly understood.By using multiple genomic, biochemical, and proteomic strategies, Zhang’sresearch group is currently investigating ER protein abundance at various conditionsin cells (e.g., elevated or decreased protein degradation capacity). This willlead to discovery of new protein components (e.g., those prone to be misfoldedand degraded) that could be involved in ageing, and thus will uncover theinterplay of protein degradation and other cellular pathways.
3. Mechanism of ER stress response and neurodegenerativediseases.
Unfolded protein response (UPR) is akey quality control system that senses ER stress signals and initiates globalchanges in transcription and translation to maintain ER homeostasis. It is nowevident that UPR functions in various physiological conditions, and are masterregulators of human disorders including diabetes, cancer, aging, andneurodegeneration. However, little is known about how UPR is modulated undervarious physiological conditions, such as increased protein synthesis, elevatedlevels of lipids, and high or low hexosamine levels. Zhang’s lab is performinga genome wide screen for components that are involved in the Ire1-, PERK-, andATF6-UPR branches in mammalian cells. These studies will identify novel factorsthat are involved in the ER stress response in mammalian cells, and willprovide promising therapeutic targets for the treatment of human diseases, suchas diabetes, cancer and aging.